

Y-NETSPHERE 公司是一家营业总部设在新加坡的私营控股公司。公司建立于1999年,专门为网络连接提供解决方案。 另外,公司还得到了合作伙伴Y-Net技术独资私营有限公司的的支持,在东南亚地区设立了地区分公司。 几年来,已成功地为企业、政府、金融行业以及小公司作出了方案设计,积累了丰富的地区实战经验。 作为网络设计执行及项目管理业务的龙头,Y-NETSPHERE 会带给您最新的技术,最专业的解决方案以及最优质的服务。

天网科技集团诞生于1996年,以提高大中华区内的各中高级企业的电脑技术、网络信息应用及数据通讯为已任的业务发展, 竭诚为客户提供更先进的、更能满足时代发展趋势的网络技术服务。 公司至今已拥有大中型客户数百家,以其雄厚的实力为客户提供整套优质系统服务,获得客户一致好评和高度赞誉。

CPCNet 香港有限公司是中信泰富 ( 香港联合交易所股票编号: 267) 的全资附属分司,以香港为总部提供各种通讯及安全方案,是跨国企业以及那些须与大中华区和亚洲无缝连系的商营企业的最佳伙伴。透过采用先进技术并且完全啮合的网络,CPCNet 提供先进的 MPLS VPN 服务 TrueCONNECT ™,以及一整系列通讯产品, 信息安全解决方案和管理服务。


诺凡哲企业管理咨询有限公司是一家提供专业化财务咨询和财务服务的机构。 通过分享知识和提供解决方案为客户创造和增添价值。 诺凡哲的董事、经理和顾问都在“四大”国际会计师事务所或欧美跨国公司有过丰富的工作经验, 这确保诺凡哲拥有国际化的视野并能提供具有国际水准的专业化服务。

The Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Program identifies Microsoft Certified Partners who have demonstrated their proof commitment and expertise in one or more specialized areas, and who focus on the medium to large enterprise customer market. Benefits include exclusive branding, enhanced licensing (for internal use, demonstration, development and training), prioritized access to technical and marketing information including advanced training and special events, prioritized referrals, and more.


Established since 2001, DeloitteFlex e-Business Inc., is a joint venture between Deloitte & Touche Management Consulting Co Ltd. (Deloitte & Touche Taiwan's Management Solutions Group) and FlexSystem Ltd.. The company's primary goal is to market the FlexSystem Enterprise Solutions Suite to the Taiwanese market, and at the same time providing top quality consultation services to its customers, i.e. medium to large size business entities with NTD 5 billion+ capital. The company also plays an active role in ASP business. With the joint company's direct connection with Deloitte, DeloitteFlex is able to reach many of Deloitte's multi-national corporate customers. While FlexSystem will supply its Enterprise Solutions Suite and its ASP business model to the corporate clients, Deloitte will concentrate on the delivery of professional consultation services, ensuring a total integration of FlexSystem's products with the clients' business processes and the system environment.


Flex-Logic Limited is a workflow solution expert with a commitment to provide the most practical and complete workflow solution to its clients. The company works closely with FlexSystem and has seamlessly integrated a full suite of FlexSystem Enterprise Solutions, including accounting, trading management and MRP, etc, with its workflow product. Flex-Logic solution is aimed to enhance operation efficient via Internet, which makes global management a feasible concept.


i-Global Solutions Limited (iGS) is a Hong Kong based enterprise solutions provider with service centres in the PRC. iGS is experienced in developing internet-based business applications and its team of IT professionals are all equipped with strong technical background. IGS's key members have, in average, over 20 years experience on IT system design, development and implementation. iGS combines business expertise, quality software and professional services to guarantee only the best solutions are being offered. iGS's solutions include ERP system, document and workflow management system, management intelligent system and more.
iGS's products and services are offered through direct sales and strategic partnerships, such that its team of professional can always work in collaboration with its clients for the 100% satisfaction solutions.


iIntegrated Solutions Limited (ISL) has been a manufacturing software applications developer since 1985. ISL is unique in Hong Kong . Instead of doing custom-made work, which only emphasize features fitting to one company's needs, ISL places tremendous weight on the improofment of its products and its services to the needs of Hong Kong and the Southern China region, and has built up the reputation of quality workmanship. ISL is a practitioner of Total Quality Management (TQM) and is the winner of the 1994-95 HKMA Quality Award, which is modeled after the prestigious Malcolm Balridge award in the U.S.


MRC Holdings Ltd. is a Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) listed company. We have been focused in providing human resource automated solutions to a variety of organizations since our incorporation. We are committed to ensure that all our clients receive the highest return when using our services.
MRC understand the true meaning of human capital investment. We play an active role in knowledge transfer by actively participating in various seminars / workshops, to share our knowledge with academies and institutions, and to transform our knowledge into practical solutions.


Norray Professional Computer Ltd was established in 1986. Its services range from hardware/ software sales; networking; system training; hardware/ software maintenance; web page design to professional consultation.
The company has a team of experienced and qualified programmers to work on tailor-made application projects, ensuring its solution covers the client's most specific needs. Norray's tailor-made solutions includes: Container Depot Storage System; Godown Storage In/Out System; Storage System; Dyeing Order Processing System; Garment Order Processing System; Accounting System; Trading Order Processing System and Inventory Control System and more.


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